Oracle to PostgreSQL
by Stephen Gillespiepublished on
I have been an Oracle DB user since 1997 and started migrating seriously to PostgreSQL in 2020. During this time, I have learnt a number of things and a few tip on what to do when converting. If you have found anything interesting or anything which you think I have wrong, then please let me know.
My first impressions of PostgreSQL are very good and it has been fun learning about it's capabilities and differences from Oracle. I obviously have a lot of experience with Oracle as a database modeler, DBA and programmer. I have a lot of respect for the reliability of Oracle and performance and PostgreSQL is not yet at the same level of maturity or as technically capable as Oracle but it is improving.
I think PosgreSQL offers something that Oracle can't though, and that is a sense that is owned by a community. It's design also helps increase the extensibility of the DB which places more control into the hands of the developer. This is a double-edged sword in my opinion though as one of the great things about Oracle was the reliability. I never had to worry about PL/SQL code breaking when I migrated to a different version of Oracle.
I will be posting various articles here on my experience with migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL.