The rest of my Collection
by Stephen Gillespiepublished on
I plan to document in more detail my complete collection but this is a list of what I still have to do:
- Grundy Newbrain Model A
- Atari 800XL
- Atari 7800
- Atari 2600 (Woody and Junior)
- Sinclair 16K and 48K
- Sinclair Spectrum +2 (Grey)
- Micro Professor + EPROM Option (NOTE: Must drop this off at Jannie's sometime)
- Amstrad CPC464 (low and high key versions)
- Acorn BBC Model A and B
- Acorn BBC Master
- Acorn Electron
- Acorn RISC PC 600
- Apple /// plus Profile
- IBM PS/2 55 sx
- Tandy 102 Portable
- Olivetti M21
- ZX81
- KC85/3
- Calculators (Burroughs C-3350, plus quite a few others from the late 60's and early 70's
- GameCube
- Sony PS1
- TI99/4a plus PEB
- COLONEL Colour TV Game model T-802 C (boxed)
- Elektor Junior (home build)
- Jupiter ACE (home build)
- SHARP MZ-100