My Sinclair Problem!
by Stephen Gillespiepublished on
Someone asked me recently how many Sinclair computers I had which made me think as I didn't know off hand. I know I had a few as my first computer was a ZX81 and I still have that. I have a 16K and 48K computer as I thought I needed them since I spent so much time typing machine code into my friends one. Along the way, I have come across a few others and can't stand to see a homeless Sinclair that's been mistreated so I've taken a few more in and fixed them over the years.
Anyway, I decided to take pictures of all my machines and catalogue them here.
Starting with my first computer I owned, the ZX81. I have a separate post about it here.
Later I decided I needed to have both a 16K and 48K for my collection. The condition is okay for both of these. It would be nice to have mint condition ones but I also like the fact that these were used and enjoyed during their life. Imagine how many times Jet Set Willy was played on these.
I have a few extra peripherals also. I did use the printer at the time but it really was rather useless. This is not my original printer and was acquired locally with a bundle of other stuff. The receipt says it was bought on the 10th July 1985 for R68.67 from "The Matrix" in Windhoek. I'm not sure how it ended up in Cape Town.
I have also now ended up with a few spares which all work. I didn't really need them but I can't see one in need of attention and not give it a home and fix it. 😀
I got the Spectrum +2 machine with a collection of Atari 2600s (4 to be precise) and a whole lot of cartridges. They seller didn't mention the Spectrum so it was a bonus when it arrived. It's a nice Spectrum 128 +2 Grey which was the first machine made by Amstrad and I personally think it's the best of the +2s. The box and extras are all in good condition.

I then somehow managed to acquire two Spectrum + machines. The non-working one is with a friend at the moment who will run his ZX diagnostic card. I have a new membrane and RAM for it so I'm sure it will be working again soon.
I have a spare ZX81 just in case my original has issues. You can't be too careful!

This is not quite a full machine but it is a fully working Spectrum +2 with an Egyptian ROM fitted (although it is disabled at present. It sits on top of the original ROM.

Yes, I know the Grundy NewBrain is not a Sinclair but I have added it here as the NewBrain was started by Sinclair Radionics. Sinclair parted ways with it and focused on sub-£100 market. The NewBrain could have been much more as it was also used as the BBC's specification for the machine it required for it's computer literacy project was based closely on the NewBrain's specification. As history shows Newbury who were developing the machine at the time couldn't get their act together and Acorn won the tender and set them on a path to world domination, with their ARM chips. I mostly collect the pre-ARM Acorn machines though.

I have a small selection of games for the Spectrums.