Trade/Swap List
by Stephen Gillespiepublished on
I am currently looking for these machines:
- Acorn A3000
- Cambridge Z88
- Research Machines 380Z
- Atari 5200
- Atari 2600 Vader
- TI99/4a
- Amiga 1000
- ZX80
- Amstrad CPC6128
- Acorn BBC Master Compact
- Epson HX-20
- Transam Tuscan S100
I have to Trade:
- Atari 2600 ( a few)
- Spectrum 16K and 48K ( a few with new membranes and faceplates and 1 boxed)
- Amstrad CPC464 (low key version)
- Atari 2600 cartridges
- GameCube with controllers, games and Replay (for loading homebrew games)
- Acorn BBC Model B
- Philips 8833 monitor
- Atari 800 boxed software (Intro to programming 1 to 3 and Home Filing Manager and Atari Writer)
- SHARP MZ-100